Teaching & Supervision

Katrin has taught a number of courses in British, American, and Postcolonial studies, ranging from the Renaissance to the 21st century. In the field of law and literature, she has taught both introductory and thematic seminars, such as as “Writing the Refugee Experience,” “Representations of Trials from Shakespeare to Boston Legal,” “The Gothic in Legal Terms,” or “Crime Fiction.” Similarly, her teaching experience in postcolonial studies includes both seminars on Postcolonial theory and courses on various aspects of Australian Studies, most notably “Aboriginal Land Rights in Literature,” “The ANZAC Centennary,” and “25 Years of Mabo in Literature.” She has further taught courses in the field of transcultural studies and on Namibian literature and the American historical romance as well as several courses for law students, such as legal translation.

In terms of supervision, Katrin has supervised a number of BA and MA theses in British, American, and Postcolonial studies with a focus on topics in cultural studies, law and literature, Postcolonial literature, and film studies as well as in translation studies. The topics supervised include theses on Shakespeare, Lord Byron, Wilkie Collins, Toni Morrison, and Australian and African literature. She has also acted as external examiner for international PhD theses.

Selected courses (click for syllabi):

SoSe 2018

Migrant Writing as Transnational Literature

WS 2017/2018

Indigenous Gothic: The Translation of a Genre?

SoSe 2017

Australian Literature Then & Now

25 Years of Mabo: Aboriginal Land Rights in Literature

WS 2016/2017

Introduction to Namibian Literature

Writing the Refugee Experience

SoSe 2016

Crime Fiction

Introduction to Law and Literature

The American Historical Romance

Australian Gothic Fiction